Become a sponsor

Would you like to support a cause that is important to you? Then become a sponsor at Ambatana for education or for our Rescue Centre.

As an Ambatana sponsor you will not be supporting one individual person but an entire issue. Starting from only 30 euros per month, you can choose between two different issues to support:

1.) Education:

Good education is an important cornerstone for a self-determined life, free from poverty and dependency. But many children are denied the chance of education. Our goal is to enable disadvantaged children to attend school. By becoming a sponsor, you contribute to paying school fees, costs for school uniforms and materials. This gives children the opportunity to receive an education and thus the chance to a self-determined future.

2.) Rescue Centre:

Many children and adolescents who are growing up in poverty, have lost their parents or are at risk of child rights violations such as violence or forced marriage need special support and a safe place to turn to.

Our Rescue Centre provides orphans and disadvantaged children with a home and a place to turn to if they are exposed to risks such as early forced marriage or genital mutilation. Our goal is to provide these children with a safe life that does justice to their needs. With a themed sponsorship you can provide children with a place in our Rescue Centre. The Centre offers sheltered accommodation, food, learning free from fear, a loving atmosphere and opportunities for personal development.

You have decided to provide support for an issue and become a sponsor? We greatly appreciate your contribution!

Please send us your inquiry ( or directly fill in our sponsorship form and send it to us via email or postal letter. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us!